Your words are so sweet. I have such a strong hope that Senator Brown is re-elected. I love when I see him on TV, talking about the dignity of work. We all need him, whether from Ohio or elsewhere. Thank you for your voice. We all need you, too.

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Today, I did something that makes my heart sing in a quiet sort of way. I drove casseroles downtown for a pop-up cafeteria that feeds the campers and down-towners who live in single occupancy room hotels along the park-blocks each Sunday noon. Some Sundays I cook with a team of volunteers, some Sunday's I drive the food downtown; the recipients are a colorful crowd and I like seeing the results of our efforts being appreciated in such a basic way; full plates, full stomachs. It's a tangible way of offering something to others who are not personally known to me, but very real and present in our community. I don't do it to gain anyone's approval, it's just that every time I gather with others to share this activity (not work, mind you), it feeds my soul and creates a bit of joy between us. This is a solution for the angst I feel about our country and the world; just do something. It has nothing to do with the ballot box, but everything to do with how I want our world to evolve; more compassion, more grace, less bigotry, less hatred.

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What a beautiful post. Bless you for the activity (not work) you engage in so joyfully. Your example and words 'just do something' are what being an American means. Everyone can do something....even a smile given can raise someone up and costs us nothing. Thank you.

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Absolutely...a smile begets a smile and hopefully they will create a continued reaction from one to another.

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You are an inspiration and an example of kindness and compassion and hope.

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I pray every night that Biden and Sherrod are re-elected and that they are safe. It’s people like them that ensure our democracy.

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Your words make me think of the long-ago Jewish scholar Hillel’s 3-sentence summary of how to live: If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when? —which is to say that this white cis grandmother will be marching with my neighbors in our Pride parade this weekend. If not now, when?

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thank you for marching! You are a blessing to all of us.

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Thank you Connie for ceaselessly reminding us to remain hopeful not only in our hearts and spirits but also in our words and deeds!

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Hope is what we have to hold on to, generated by one small act of kindness or many. Thank you for using your voice to generate hope in sharing the support for LGBT & Q rights and not just the negative actions of folks who are either ignorant or afraid-- or both.

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One of my children is a student at Denison. They are a member of the Denison Chamber Singers and sang, spoke, and played drums in the recent performance of Considering Matthew Shepard. It was an amazingly beautiful and terrifying event. I did everything I could to prepare myself emotionally for the experience but started crying before Harris Ipok took the stage. I have listened to the recording over and over, and tears still fill my eyes every time.

Matthew Shepard was a gay college student, an “ordinary boy” who loved theater, good friends, pasta, learning, airports, succeeding, jeopardy, and to be on stage. He was an “ordinary boy” who never could have “expected his life would be this story”. My child is a trans college student, who loves theater, singing, playing piano, succeeding, learning, math, physics, video games, and to be on stage. I am out of patience as well. I don’t have time for patience, I’m too afraid.

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You are a blessing and a balm Connie. Thank you.

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Love this heartfelt reflection, Connie, and how its theme validates why you named your Substack column “Hopefully Yours.”

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Just want to join with the others to say, me too. Thank you for speaking up on behalf of many of us. Today you reminded me of this quote: “Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow." (Mary Anne Radmacher)

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This was so sweet of you, Connie. I feel your embrace and please let me extend it back to you and your beautiful family. I had a depressing day thinking about politics and I needed this as I am preparing for bed. United we stand and that is the glue we all need now to become one power for the good of all.

And, now, I know where all those dandelions are coming from in the North Winds down here in Cincinnati! LOL I will think of your daughter and grandson with a big smile each time I see one in my yard from now on....

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Hope is what allows us to strive for the better and not become embittered by the lesser. Thank you from a career hopeful.

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We stand behind you Connie. I am from ND and wish I could vote for Sherrod. I did donate to his campaign. I pray he is re-elected.

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Now that I am 77, I am struck by the fact that rights that have been won and attitudes that have been changed are never a given. The fight needs to continue. Memories are short. New generations come along. The path is not necessarily all forward.

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Thank you for this,Con.

Just the right thing to read before turning in for sleep. Knowing other people are reading this and recognizing similar sentiments reminds me that people are indeed, basically good and kindhearted. Having faith in one another is one of the many things we learn to recognize. And that continues to help hope bloom. Every day.

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I needed that, thank you

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