Childless cat lady here. 7 of them! Not miserable at all!

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I love every single word of this column. You always nail it, but this one NAILED IT.

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Here is to all the Childless DOG ladies!!

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I read this aloud to my husband and then Alexa kicked in! Playing the Circle of something but not the right song.

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So…no kids and lots of bad luck?^^

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I must admit, his comment about childless women stings, actually it hurts. I love my nieces, nephews, my friends' kids, and my former students! I allowed his words to bother me to the point that I wonder if my friends and relatives who don't share my political views think this about me. I know it is crazy to give him that power but....

Thank you for this beautiful column. I don't have cats but yours are cute!

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I love this! Thanks for making my day. The comment about your teenage children was classic!

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Most people fall into stereotyping people! Not right but they do!

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I am a cat (and dog) lady with no human children. JD Vance’s resurfaced remark is going to bite him BAD…

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Brilliant. Simply brilliant!

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They’re practically twins. Lol.

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W. Kamau Bell has a cool response on Instagram now about Vance having told a trans friend in 2014 that he disliked police and sympathized with Black individuals. Bell said apparently Vance used to be an empathetic person -- and that the problem is that in today's GOP that is considered a bad thing. I liked the humanity in Bell's response.

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I’m choking with laughter. I hope to remember the ‘praying’ line if ever the need arises.

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Vance’s statement may be inelegant, or inarticulate but it’s not really controversial. The tax laws already favor marriage and children. And arguably, people without children don’t care or at least don’t have the incentive to care about our miserable public education system. Personally my children are grown, but I don’t want radical ideologies taught to my grandchildren without the knowledge of their parents.

Also for those of you that are democrats, is the “cat lady” criticism really any different than James Carville’s “preachy women” that he wants to “leave him the hell alone”?

However I do agree on the cat lady thing, leave the cats out of it! The cats couldn’t care less.

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Scott, if that is what you think you know about people without children, then I recommend getting to know more of them. One needn’t raise children to know they are our future.

As for your view of education: We have eight grandchildren and we are not worried about the ethics and morals of their public school teachers because we trust them and so do their parents. This would include my dear sister, who often hears from her former students on Mother’s Day because, to quote one of them this past pay, “You are the only mother I have ever had.”

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I see, so you think you know all there is to know about me from a single post?

I have both friends and family members that don’t have children either by choice or are physically unable. However, they have no problem with our tax code showing preference to families. Children aren’t our future if the current generation continues to opt out of marriage and children.

I am glad you have such good teachers for your grandchildren, you should feel blessed as that has not been my experience.

The day I see people without children attending school board meetings or becoming involved in their local school, will be the first in my experience. I'm not saying it doesn’t happen, but I bet it is very rare.

I don’t blame them, just stating what I believe to be true.

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Beautifully written. I shed a tear.

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God, thank you, I needed that today!!! :)

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