This gives me hope and peace with where I am. Thank you.

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Sure looks as if there’s a “Hopefully Yours Readers” community for Sherrod Brown! It’s awesome to see how many readers live outside Ohio and are writing postcards for Sherrod’s re-election!! I live in Ohio. In the past 2 weeks I suddenly started to feel deeply anxious about his chances. There’s a poll that has him 2 points down. The Moreno dark money ads claim Sherrod “is too liberal for Ohio,” despite his years of public service and successful campaigns. I’ve rarely seen so many negative ads. Deep pockets keep throwing millions of dollars into such ads. So, if you haven’t taken a deep breath and contributed $25 to Sherrod Brown for Senate 2024, now is the time to do so. (I’m sure you can find samples of these sickening ads on YouTube.)

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The political *is* the personal.

Write away, Connie, and I will be reading avidly from my "safe place" across the pond (Switzerland).

I am no longer a US voter, but once upon a time I was – and even in the great state of Ohio, when I studied at Oberlin. The US, and the world, need more public servants of principle and conviction like Sherrod. Godspeed, both of you.

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Thank you, Connie. I’ve watched every step of Sherrod’s campaign this year precisely because of his humanness and, while you give us more intimate glimpses of him, it is just his essential character shining through every aspect of his life. I worry about Ohio and, although I live in Connecticut, much of what I feel about this election is pinned on Sherrod’s retaining his Senate seat.

Thank you, too, for the recognition of the “amicable friendships” that some marriages have become in these divided times. The one advantage is that I try to understand how the people I love and respect arrived at such a different place politically and what their valid concerns might be. I can’t dismiss them, because they are mine, and when this election is over, no matter the outcome, they are still my family or long-term friends. And we all have to live together. Sherrod strikes me as the kind of unifier we need for after the election.

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How you beautiful you write! With such feeling I feel it in my heart! He might be alone as he does his job as Senator( and what a great job) but he has hundreds and hundreds that has his back! That prays for him. We cheer for him! And votes for him! I'm so glad I get to read all your posts!

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Connie and Sherrod, Thank you for making politics feel real. I sometimes start to lose hope and then the two of you enter my thoughts, my dreams, my hope for a future.

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We so badly need his integrity in the Senate. Onward. #register #vote

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what a beautiful love story... thank you for sharing it.

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Connie, your gift for seeing the beauty and significance of the ordinary and the extraordinary days illumines the joy in life for all of us. I’ll be thinking of you and Sherrod over these next 40 days, with gratitude for his service, kindness, and wisdom, and for you and the poignant insights and open hearted generosity in your writing, and your exquisite photos. You each in your unique giving of yourselves and in your life together bless the world. Thank you.

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Thank you again for your words which show your life so well. You are an inspiration to that joy. I hope Sherrod wins and your neighbor Bob Casey ad well. 🙏🏼💕

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2 decent human beings who always try to do the right thing. That’s pretty good

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Well otters are cute and pickled beets are delicious. Try and ignore the backbiters. I love the whole symbolism of your mom and the ace of hearts. Rooting for Sherrod from crazy politics Arizona.

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Please keep writing, often! It helps those of us out here feeling anxious. I feel less alone in all of this when I read your words.

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First time reading Nora

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I so love this!! Your posts always bring me comfort and joy! You are a gift!

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