Tears of Joy. Thank you for sharing.

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This is so lovely. Thank you for sharing.

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My first time reading your Substack, but emphatically not my last. What a lovely essay.

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I loved reading your piece on your friend Martin Sheen. I've been such a fan since falling in love with the West Wing as it aired originally, as so much of expressed my own experience in public service - the big ideas, the little dumb mistakes, the big honking mistakes, the idealism that keeps us all going. It was so lovely to read your words about him as a truly fine human. While he comes across that way in radio interviews and news articles, hearing it from someone whose judgement I trust means the world to me. Thanks for shining a light on kindness.

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I have admired Martin Sheen for many years, not because he is a good actor, but for his commitment to seeking Justice. I am from Dayton also.

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I so enjoyed this piece, Connie. I suspect there are so many good & kind people in this world, doing good deeds "just because".

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Oh, Connie, I loved every word of this, and I saved Martin's note because I want to be able to look at it again and again. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It's so wonderful when people you admire (yes, Martin, but I also mean you and Sherrod) are as incredible as you have believed them to be.

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What a beautiful story of true friendship. Thank you for sharing. I've always loved this actor. Now I love this man.

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…..got an invitation from Mr. Sheen to donate to your husband’s campaign today.

I must say, I donated again partly (largely?) due to your post about how kind he was to Annie Glenn.


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Love this photo rule - not that "photos with celebs" are a big issue I deal with!

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Martin Sheen has always been special to me, although at a somewhat greater distance.

Years ago I was the Executive Director of performing arts at Notre Dame. You will recall that President Bartlet made a frequent point of being a Notre Dame guy, which we obviously loved. I tried to work a deal with Warner Bros. to have an episode of West Wing incorporate a short scene in which the President would attend the grand opening of our new DeBartolo Center for the Performing Arts, but is called away by some emergency or other. My idea was to make the entire scene an actual fundraiser, with our many donors as extras in the scene, and use the event to raise the profile of the Arts at Notre Dame (a university generally known for somewhat less elevated pursuits.) The idea was quashed by persons above my pay grade (no names: NDA’s live forever) on account of Martin’s politics.

But it was a great idea.

By way of this particular note I have found my way to your Substack and I know I’ll be a frequent guest. I hope you’ll forgive me for having long believed that Sherrod should be our President. I’m 76 years old (tomorrow) but would still go door-to-door for him. Please give him my warm regards - from far away Portland Oregon. And love to you!! 🥰

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This is so lovely. The story about Annie and John Glenn is such a lovely behind the scenes story. Real heroes all.

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I had no idea about Martin Sheen. I'm glad to know now. And, personally, I would have made an exception for the selfie with Lin-Manuel Miranda. :)

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Handwritten notes in the most Bartlet-like thing I’ve heard about him. How wonderful.

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My daughter, a high school teacher, is forever in my prayers, along with all the teachers out there protecting the children that they hold dear to their hearts. They are, the protectors when the parents can’t be. I loved Mr. Sheen’s note. How I wish we were back in the “West Wing” days when people were kinder. I certainly hope we see that once again but I fear we may not.

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