I’m so grateful for you, Sherrod, Precious Franklin and Precious Walter for always making my heart 💜 smile for days, months and now years! Thank~you so much…I’m sure all (3) of your Boys were instrumental in your recovery!!!
Unable to train any feline or canine, but alas had great success training 3 boys, indeed would never consider shooting the living, joyful rambunctious creatures.
Who does that other than a MAGA cretin of society?
As always, i so enjoy your writing! Somehow it leaves me feeling as if we are good friends who know each other well.
As someone who falls with embarrassing frequency, I can only imagine how it felt to be the center of attention in such a way. It is good to hear your arm is healing, and now - get rid of the platform shoes!
Welcome back! You were missed! I have what many would call a problem dog... she growls when any dog is around me. when she is alone with other animals she is an angel. No one has considered shooting her! Your Walter is adorable. I look forward to your dog essay!
I had the same baton twirling memories....only my worst memory was of me in a parade in my hometown. My cute little unitform consisteded of a one piece short dress with matching short shorts underneath. My matching short shorts ripped and to my mortification, my white undies were on display. I cringe even now thinking about it. BTW, I love your writing!
Oh My, another fabulous story that has touched my heart! Connie, you always manage to do that. I am forever thankful that neither you, nor Sherrod would ever shoot a dog!!! The very fact that anyone , anywhere would brag about doing such a thing makes me ill. As for your fall and your injured arm, I am also so thankful that you are on the mend and able to write such fabulous stories again.. There is nothing in print that I enjoy more than what YOU write! After two falls in Jan and March, both affecting my ribs (each fall on a different side of course!) I am still trying to recover and be able to comfortable wear a bra again! LOL. Would never have believed that at almost 77 I could still feel so self confident letting the girls go free. Now I almost hate the thought of putting the damn thing back on!
Oh My, another fabulous story that has touched my heart! Connie, you always manage to do that. I am forever thankful that neither you, nor Sherrod would ever shoot a dog!!! The very fact that anyone , anywhere would brag about doing such a thing makes me ill. As for your fall and your injured arm, I am also so thankful that you are on the mend and able to write such fabulous stories again.. There is nothing in print that I enjoy more than what YOU write! After two falls in Jan and March, both affecting my ribs (each fall on a different side of course!) I am still trying to recover and be able to comfortable wear a bra again! LOL. Would never have believed that at almost 77 I could still feel so self confident letting the girls go free. Now I almost hate the thought of putting the damn thing back on!
Sure hope your arm gets better fast! We all need more writers and human beings like you (and Sherrod) in our lives. Your stories are a bright spot for so many of your readers.
On the majorette topic (I laughed my a** off), I was in the Wickliffe HS Marching Band for three years in the early '70's. We were one of the only Dance Bands in the area at the time, though we marched, too. I played french horn, which isn't exactly the best choice for marching with! It was generally agreed at the time that the Majorettes were a bunch of divas, because they practiced about half the time the band did.
Unfortunatley for them, they shared a cabin at band camp with the two french horn squads. We were, um, not kind. But alas, they were divas to the end!!! They managed to get dimissed earler from practice and got to the showers at camp before the water went cold for the rest of us lucky enough to get in before the water trickled to a stop for the next several hours. We were a stinky bunch for a week in late August, except, of course for the Majorettes.
I’m so grateful for you, Sherrod, Precious Franklin and Precious Walter for always making my heart 💜 smile for days, months and now years! Thank~you so much…I’m sure all (3) of your Boys were instrumental in your recovery!!!
I'm sorry Sherrod bit Walter, but I bet Walter looked adorable in the bandages.
Missing your posts! Hope you are healing!
Reading your work is always a joy! I get pretty excited when I see a new piece from you!😛👏👏
Thank you for sharing your immense talent with us…lucky us!🥰❤️
(That pup is just way too adorable!!)
Unable to train any feline or canine, but alas had great success training 3 boys, indeed would never consider shooting the living, joyful rambunctious creatures.
Who does that other than a MAGA cretin of society?
As soon as I finished reading (and loving the story of Walter and Sherrod), this adoption post showed up in my feed…Walter’s long lost brother 🤣
As always, i so enjoy your writing! Somehow it leaves me feeling as if we are good friends who know each other well.
As someone who falls with embarrassing frequency, I can only imagine how it felt to be the center of attention in such a way. It is good to hear your arm is healing, and now - get rid of the platform shoes!
Welcome back! You were missed! I have what many would call a problem dog... she growls when any dog is around me. when she is alone with other animals she is an angel. No one has considered shooting her! Your Walter is adorable. I look forward to your dog essay!
I hope your arm is back to normal now! 🩹💖
Connie, love your story and how you roll with the punches. Thank you for writing this!
Thanks for not mentioning you know who, that shot the you know what, and then shot the family Greatest Of All Time !
The things that were expected of us in school. Some of us just weren’t good at traditional things. It hurt then, it’s more humorous now.
I had the same baton twirling memories....only my worst memory was of me in a parade in my hometown. My cute little unitform consisteded of a one piece short dress with matching short shorts underneath. My matching short shorts ripped and to my mortification, my white undies were on display. I cringe even now thinking about it. BTW, I love your writing!
Oh My, another fabulous story that has touched my heart! Connie, you always manage to do that. I am forever thankful that neither you, nor Sherrod would ever shoot a dog!!! The very fact that anyone , anywhere would brag about doing such a thing makes me ill. As for your fall and your injured arm, I am also so thankful that you are on the mend and able to write such fabulous stories again.. There is nothing in print that I enjoy more than what YOU write! After two falls in Jan and March, both affecting my ribs (each fall on a different side of course!) I am still trying to recover and be able to comfortable wear a bra again! LOL. Would never have believed that at almost 77 I could still feel so self confident letting the girls go free. Now I almost hate the thought of putting the damn thing back on!
Oh My, another fabulous story that has touched my heart! Connie, you always manage to do that. I am forever thankful that neither you, nor Sherrod would ever shoot a dog!!! The very fact that anyone , anywhere would brag about doing such a thing makes me ill. As for your fall and your injured arm, I am also so thankful that you are on the mend and able to write such fabulous stories again.. There is nothing in print that I enjoy more than what YOU write! After two falls in Jan and March, both affecting my ribs (each fall on a different side of course!) I am still trying to recover and be able to comfortable wear a bra again! LOL. Would never have believed that at almost 77 I could still feel so self confident letting the girls go free. Now I almost hate the thought of putting the damn thing back on!
Sure hope your arm gets better fast! We all need more writers and human beings like you (and Sherrod) in our lives. Your stories are a bright spot for so many of your readers.
On the majorette topic (I laughed my a** off), I was in the Wickliffe HS Marching Band for three years in the early '70's. We were one of the only Dance Bands in the area at the time, though we marched, too. I played french horn, which isn't exactly the best choice for marching with! It was generally agreed at the time that the Majorettes were a bunch of divas, because they practiced about half the time the band did.
Unfortunatley for them, they shared a cabin at band camp with the two french horn squads. We were, um, not kind. But alas, they were divas to the end!!! They managed to get dimissed earler from practice and got to the showers at camp before the water went cold for the rest of us lucky enough to get in before the water trickled to a stop for the next several hours. We were a stinky bunch for a week in late August, except, of course for the Majorettes.