I almost choked I was laughing so hard at your comment “it never occurred to us to shoot him.” Doesn’t that just say it all? Hope your arm continues to heal well.

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Glad to hear you are recovering. You truly roll with the punches. Awesome attitude.

I wrote a response to one of your columns quite awhile ago about our three feral kittens. They will be two this week and are now ours. Indoor pets who are queens of the house and will always be treated that way no matter their behavior

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If you've not read The Lion in the Living Room (non-fiction) by Abigail Tucker, you should. Subtitle? How House Cats Tamed us and Took Over the World. Fun & true. (I have no connection to Ms Tucker)

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I remind Izzy that she shares something like 97% of her DNA with tigers. She wasn’t feral, but was rescued after being dumped close to giving birth to three kittens. Came home with us soon after.

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I will. Thanks for the recommendation

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I'm so happy you have recovered and it wasn't a devastating injury. I never really appreciated my tailbone until I fell down hard on my butt last summer and spent eight weeks limping and using a pillow. When I was 12 my friend and I took baton lessons over the summer. Let's just say twirling is a profession best left to people who are coordinated.

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I knew you infused a humorous comment here and there in your writing, but this piece had me in stitches. You're funny!

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We missed YOU!!! But this essay, in all its glory, makes it all better. So sorry for the fall (and the audience to said fall), but glad you are feeling better enough to rejoin all of us.

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Very funny (not the fall). I am always worried about falling. And I have an Apple Watch that can detect a fall and asks you if you are OK, sometimes without a fall. One of these days it will call an ambulance! Have to figure out how to turn this thing off.

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I am sorry about your not so graceful fall. You will certainly remember that commencement. I had quite a spectacular fall yesrs ago skinning both knees and hurting my writ and shoulder. I know the panic of looking up and hoping no one saw it. In my case no one did as it was while under a cover of darkness on a winter morning.

In my case it was my dogs fault. She was a black pug and she crossed the road. I was watching her as I came out and missed the step. I laid on the ground like a slug and next thing I knew she was by my side wondering why I wasn't getting up.

And no, I did not hurt my dog.

I've had many dogs and cats. I have been angry with them at times. But I've loved each of them and still have fond memories. I even had a greyhound that chased chickens. I forgave him although he gave me a look like, I know you're mad at me but it was very fun and I'd do it again. Oh Mo.

I've also had three children and I will admit to you as a parent, there were many moments of disappointment, and maybe even anger due to misbehavior from those children. But I still loved them. I am an adult with a rational mind. We were all learning from our mistakes.

I have to admit, I am saddened by a lot that's happening right now. I need to look to the positive. Love more.

Stay calm and carry on.

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Oh, Connie! Hope that arm heals up, and quits giving you pain. Walter is a very good dog.

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Thank you for those great stories! My baton teacher was Carol and we were the Carolettes from Altoona.

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Love all your pieces and am so glad that you’re back! As one who’s fallen a LOT (luckily only broken something once, but always having to call my very helpful neighbor to help me up), I can tell you this is a warning. Please be careful!

You always brighten my day. Walter is adorable. (So is Sharrod). So glad you didn’t shoot him. (Walter, that is. They’re both keepers.)

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you have been missed!

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I don’t think I have ever loved an essay as much as I love this one. As someone who has also had a spectacular fall in public (though not so ceremoniously attired) I feel your pain, but how you got from that to a certain puppy-shooting governor is nothing but sheer genius! Thank you, Connie for my laugh out loud moment of the day, and for your ability to share both life’s highs and lows with such compassion and wit.

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You were missed!!! So glad you survived the fall. And I hope you got rid of those shoes.💕

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So sorry you fell! We don't bounce like we used to.

Our neighbors recused a little dog of undetermined age at a dog rescue from the streets of Nogales last year. Like your pup Walter he was full of needs to be addressed. He won't walk with the wife only the big gruff retired navy Col. needless to say he like your dog he hit the canine jackpot with this couple. Lots of love all around.

May you feel better soon. Missed your writing

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I had a rescue dachshund that would only walk with me, not my husband. Some male person must have abused her in her former life.

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same here! I hold a special place in my heart for dachshunds.We had 2 ( 1 rescue medical needs) who lived until ages 16 and 17. Proud parents of 2 eight yr old Jack Russells now who are still cute, quirky and full of pep!

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I grew up with a devil dog Dachshund named Hugo . He lived 24 years, and was bad to the end!

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Hope your right hand is twirling toward peak performance. I loved the essay! Thank you!

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Missed you, glad you're back writing again. Be careful out there. Maybe lose the old pair of platform sandals!

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