
It’s 39 degrees this morning in Cleveland. Cloudy skies, light breeze. I love these chilly mornings. I’m sitting in a rocker on our porch with a steaming mug of coffee and a warm coat wrapped around my nightgown and robe, reading this growing comments thread. I can’t respond to each of you, but please know that I read every comment. I so appreciate your thoughtfulness, and I laugh along with you when you bring the humor. I love the community we are building here. Thank you.

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Connie, as we are learning this week about the rise in antisemitism and Islamophobia, one thing we never discuss even after the events of these past two years re: anti-abortion, is how much misogyny there is. It is never personal unless you are a woman. That is how we got Trump. The people of this country hate women. We never speak this out loud. How many fat fucks who never do anything positive called you fat?

You are adorable but it is not my place to say that. That is something for friends and family to impart. Because it is personal and no one should breach that line.

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Hear, hear and amen!! ❤

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Very nicely stated. I concur.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Connie Schultz

Thanks for making us feel like part of your boundless family, Connie -- a virtual embrace without borders.

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You are such a beacon of light to us all. Your column is wonderful! ❤️

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“I blocked out their online identities because I have more followers than they do and Dad always said only a bully punches down.” You really are Wonder Woman, with or without your costume. ⚡️

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I “met” you at a planned parenthood speech. You empowered me in a room of 1000 people, while standing alone on an empty stage. The worse half will always try to hurt the people who know how to create change.

Also, Ms. Piggy is one of the best characters ever created and still (after all of this time) stands as an icon of off-center beauty, determination and femininity. But I know that’s not the point.

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I’ve always thought you to be stunningly beautiful. You exude mindfulness, kindness, love, empowerment. Thank you for what you do for us out here.

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I started a FB group called Voices of Women in 2016,a closed group, right after the election, to give women a safe place to share ideas and talk politics without trolls. I have opinions and am educated and informed and the idiot men who were threatened by me threatened me, and I'd had enough. I figured if I could provide safe haven to a couple of dozen women I'd be doing a service. To my amazement, we now have well over a thousand members from all across the country and from three foreign countries. It's a shame we have to "meet" in safe places but it's one way of defeating the ignorant cruelty of men threatened by smart women. Keep speaking your mind and your truth, Connie. You are a beacon of intelligence and hope. Your column often appears as a post on


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When I read your comment, I immediately went to Facebook and looked up the group. I am sad to see that, although there are several groups named "Voices of Women", they all are relatively small groups. Even two of them with worldwide members have only a little over 1,000 or so members. It's troubling that, even now, it seems that women are afraid or unwilling to share their voices. I hope groups like yours and women like Connie can continue to work on changing that. And, by the way, which group is yours?

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It is Voices of Women CNY (which stands for Central NY, which is where I thought we would be mostly, since this is my stomping ground!) Because it's a closed group I need to approve individual requests for membership and, due to Moms4Liberty becoming a force here (and everywhere) I am very careful. If anyone wishes to join us, I am happy to vet you. There are membership questions which need to be answered and the more info you can provide, the more likely I am to give the green light. I can't be too careful right now but any friend of Connie Schultz is a friend of mine! If anyone has trouble, please feel free to message me on my personal page under Janice Grieshaber Geddes.

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I may send a request to join, I live in a very red area of Virginia and would love to be part of it. It’s hard sometimes living where I do and feeling so much in the minority.

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I would love to see you apply, Sara. You need us!

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Just sent the request, I’m Sara Anne on Facebook for privacy reasons because of my job.

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Many years ago now, I used to volunteer with a women’s health clinic. I also trained to give fundraising talks for my state’s pro-choice NARAL affiliate. Not sure which of these activities led to receiving death threats over the phone, even though my number was unlisted, but there you go. Cowards hid behind anonymous phone calls then, and use fake identities online now. They’re still full of bluster. Damned if I give in to a blowhard. I’ve gotten a fair bit of nonsense to my face over the years as well, but no one has yet made a cogent, intelligent response that could change my opinion. Funny, that.

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Oh, my heart……why are people so mean…….OY, don’t even try to answer, ellipsis, ellipsis, ellipsis!!!! I am sitting here drinking my coffee, wondering what has created such viciousness but also thanking the Universe for everyone here. Thank you for your bravery and your willingness to be vulnerable. Onward and upward!

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You speak for all of us. Thank you! “Keyboard cowards” is perfect!!

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Keep up the good work. You are an inspiration to women of all ages. I am 83 and worked in IT way back, when it was 90% male. So I experienced so much of what you have. Women have come a long ways, but still a long way to go. I am so encouraged when I see so many women in roles of leadership , especially in law.

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I started in the computer industry just as microcomputers were being introduced. For awhile I managed a computer store. I can’t tell you the number of sales reps who came in to sell us products and asked me where the manager was. When I would say, “You are talking to her,” most of them stood there for a moment, open-mouthed, trying to figure out how to sell technical products to a WOMAN!!! No buddy lunches, no cigars and dirty jokes. What’s a poor guy to do?! I found it all very amusing.

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I used to be in software engineering in college. I had a psychotic break from the abuse. #NeverAgain

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You go, woman. You have a lot to be proud of and that includes your appearance.

Strength and humor are a good combination

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My standard answer for those who fling personal insults is "Contrary to popular belief, I own a scale and a mirror and I use them both. When I see something I don't like, I do my best to change it. The question is, why are you not using yours? When you look in your mirror do you like what you see? Perhaps you should change yourself before you try to change anyone else."

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My response has been "OMG! I'm short and fat! How did that happen!"

I mean did these geniuses think I didn't notice?

The funniest thing to me is I look at this cheerful and happy photo of Connie and I know -- we all know -- most of the anonymous males criticizing her looks are fat pasty schlubs who fail at everything.

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Thank you for making me laugh! You are absolutely right. I actually have a "standard reply" word doc on my desktop where I keep good responses to crap comments listed. I cut and paste what's appropriate if I feel I want to make a statement. It comes in handy!

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OMG, I have a Word doc like that, myself!! I love a like-mind. :)

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why would you give those insulters any time or explanation? they aren't worth it.

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Well, I've been dealing with this since the 80s. I have a list of come-backs I cut and paste to nasty personal comments. It only takes a few seconds, and, if the comment writer has half a brain, they might actually think about it and do better. Or at least move on to someone they think they can rattle. I find that few seconds much more productive than telling them to take a flying f***, or worse yet, wasting my time evicerating them with my pen. I have been known to do that if they just don't stop. LOL But these days, if they don't stop, I just block them.

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023

I’m sadly shocked at the hateful comments. My first thought when I saw that picture was how gorgeous your hair and complexion! ❤️ I wanted to say that but it felt shallow to comment on your looks 😊

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she has the best hair ever, doesn't she...

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Forever thankful for your voice in the weeds of the internet.

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Oh Connie, you are such a great example for the rest of us “mouthy” women.Please don’t ever stop being you, because you make the rest of your loyal followers just a little bit better and a little but stronger with each and every post. BTW, I’m giving paid subscription to Hopefully yours to all my daughters and lady friends for Christmas this year! (If I can figure out how to do that just that)

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Connie’s a great example for ALL humanity to follow!

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Sometimes I want to use a male name, just to see how the insults will be different

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One of the tragedies of the internet age is most people would never say something like this face to face. And in fact, in person, they might be nice. Over and over, when confronted face to face with their hurtful remarks, people express shame and remorse.

Online, we lose our humanity…one of the things I love about Connie as a person and a writer is she always keeps that human quality front and center. I hope she never stops.

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As usual a wonderful way to deal with the haters,etc. Ad hominem attacks are the weapons of choice for the ignorant and scared. You go girl.

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