The last two wks have been awful, so I’m just getting to this. Certainly was just what I needed, thanks Connie. The joy of it all, amen to that!

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Yup, finally feeling hop. We used tomato sauce on our dogs years ago, are there better remedies?

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Yup, finally feeling hop. We used tomato sauce on our dogs years ago, are there better remedies?

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I am here for both the hope and the joy. The energy has shifted. I get very teary each time I hear “WHEN WE FIGHT, WE WIN”. 🥹

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Hi Connie,

Oh, yes, I am most definitely feeling the joy again. Isn't it just marvelous to see and feel it. It's been a while. I was visiting family and missed that Philadelphia rally, but I've seen snippets of some of the others, and I, too, have teared up more than once. I'm feeling so hopeful again.

I'm thrilled with this ticket. Just thrilled. I'm a Minnesotan at heart, so there's that too! And can I just say, I love that you dragged out your Christmas tree. And those pooches - priceless photo. Thank you for the read!

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Looks like one of those AI generated backgrounds.

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Thank you for this. I'm trying to bring clarity to a murky world 1 note at a time.

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I'm here for genuine joy, always.

Also, I am going to tuck the image of Sherrod trying to chase skunky dogs inside the house into the part of my brain where the joyful things live. Also, I'm so sorry for your carpets.....

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I was so fortunate to be among those inside at the Philly rally. And I cried unabashedly as did my friend Jeff. Tears of joy, of hope and empowerment. I planned on campaigning my heart out no matter who was at the top of our ticket but now I will knock on each door with renewed optimism. We in PA have a LOT of work ahead of us but so many of us are embracing the challenge with a smile on our faces and a song in our hearts. (And just so you know--I watched the whole thing again that night. As loud as the crowd sounded on playback, it was nothing compared to the thunderous roar inside.)

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“Here for the joy and hope” nonsense. Two fleeting, silly concepts to base any structure of politics on. You say these silly things when you have no platform that has been established. Can't run our country on “joy and hope”. How childish. People are really hurting. Try giving them “joy and hope” to pay their billls.

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Nothing to see here move along.

Reporter: What else are you going to do to fix this problem with inflation?

Kamala: All right. Thank you. Well, let's start with this. Prices have gone up. And…families and individuals are dealing with the realities of, of, the, that bread costs more, the gas costs more. And we have to understand what that means. That's about the cost of living going up. That's about having to stress and stretch limited resources. That's about a source of stress for families that is not only economic but is on a daily level. Something that is a heavy weight to carry. So it is something that we take very seriously, very seriously. And we know from the history of this issue in the United States that when you see these prices go up. It has a direct impact on the quality of life for all people in our country. So it's a big issue and we take it seriously and it is a priority therefore.

—David Blackmon

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This is classic Democrat - the elites push Kamala out as a shining bright new star. Never mind that she has been an almost invisible VP for the past 3+ years. And even though Kamala has not breathed a word about what she intends to do a President and how - all these people flock to her side. Joy! Joy! Vibes! Never mind she was raised a Marxist and she clearly sides with the radical left as per her Senate voting record. Are all these people going to continue with their euphoria when inflation spirals yet again, they continue to remove parental rights, censor free speech, sleepwalk into wars, and continue the barrage of illegal aliens and fentanyl over the border? People need to get sober and reflect upon will the person mend the issues brought on by the Harris/Biden Administration or could it just get worse and turn us into another Canada or UK?

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You mean policy matters! Wow why a concept

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"...it’s infectious to witness all that mirth. The dream girl gets launched into center-stage by invisible forces and is joined by her prom king, and it’s just so heartwarming to get waved at by the grinning, hand-holding couple nobody voted for." - James Howard Kunstler

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“…it’s infectious to witness all that mirth. There is, of course, an artificially strenuous air about all this hoopla… The dream girl gets launched into center-stage by invisible forces and is joined by her prom king, and it’s just so heartwarming to get waved at by the grinning, hand-holding couple nobody voted for.” -James Howard Kunstler

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I cried as well ~ I feel hopeful again. It’s been far too long!

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I’d be joyful if she would state her policy positions. It is ridiculous to have joy until you know what she wants to implement. So many silly comments. Its embarrassing.

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