I enjoy the picture.i have a sister and I’ve heard her roar 0ver the years, I’m 78 yrs old, I witnessed the wonderful transition and evolution of women’s rights and leadership- finally respected. I’ve even said to myself, it can be a better world/country if woman would be in charge. Their inner nature is better to help quiet today’s chaos and divisions. Males have there gifts and can help to meet today’s challenges. But, I also believe that the world, this country, needs not to quiet the roar of woman. Guy, it’s a gift if you’d listen. We are created to work together for the greater good and our mutual survival.

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Connie, Your new painting and your words spoke volumes to me. I too am a grandmother who is trying to lead by example. Do you happen to know if the artist made any prints of this painting? Thanks for ALL that you do. ❤️

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Thank you for so many little things in this article. I love reading about your interactions with your granddaughters, and with the gallery folks, and that we are oftentimes strong as lions even though we are unaware of that. I have normally been an optimist throughout my life, but after November, and as we inch toward January 20, I find myself slipping into pessimism because I feel a darkness coming on. It scares me and it seems to have immobilized me. However, I must say, you have given me a light to hold and I am grateful for that. I will cling to that light as the next days, weeks, months and years go by.

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I understand being born in the year of the Tiger^^

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I always enjoy your articles Connie. Stay strong and roar when you need to!

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I have tears in my eyes at these words. I feel that our survival, even our thriving, is likely with warriors like you to speak to us. Thank you, thank you.

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I am so glad you bought the painting. I am so sad that the country at large doesn't get to benefit from the great heart and mind of your husband anymore. Although I live in a different state, I was always grateful that Sherrod Brown was in the Senate. Thank you both for all you've given us.

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Thank you again, Connie. As you find things that one might do in the new resistance that don’t require much walking or standing, please let us know. You are my wise woman. I roar, but I’m afraid it’s not well directed. 🙏🏼❤️

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Connie, Thank you for always touching my heart. As a Chicago transplant I found you first and then Sherrod. You have both been blessings to this Democrat's heart here in NE Ohio. You sharing your truth has helped me feel not so alone in this sometimes angry state/country. God bless you.

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Sometimes we need to be reminded of that lion within… especially this year. Thank you Connie!

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This is perfect. As a school counselor, I think I need to hang a print of this in my office! ❤️

Sticking with you both for whatever the future holds - looking forward to seeing what that is. Thanks for the words & continued inspiration.

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Such a great post. I am so proud of you and Sherrod from a far (California). Teaching your grandchildren integrity is a profound and honorable thing!

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There is a LOT of change coming our way and honestly, I haven't fully recovered my energy from this last result. I'm working on it though. Today I got a boost of energy when I spotted Sherrod standing beside Biden after signing the Social Security Fairness Act. If he's ready to saddle up again in some shape or form, then I suppose, so can I. I promise to stay true to my values and do my best. And so, to the lion, I say "stand back. Motivated girl coming through."

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This is just the message I needed to read today. Thank you.

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This world will be a much better place when each and every lioness recognizes her worth.

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So, I have purposely given my self a total vacation break from all emails and news as I took a deep breath toward the end of the year. I chose opening this email as my first of 2025. thank you thank you thank you Connie. what a wonderful perspective to start this year.

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