If you're ever in Columbus and in need of a haircut my brother is a stylist and has a salon there. He's also a huge Sherrod Brown fan!

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God I love you two- thank you for an ethically sound campaign. It matters

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Ah now I understand why I feel so connected with you! We are spouses of rumpled remarkable husbands!

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Yes, Frannie! Lucky us.

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Love your writing, love him as a politician (we are so lucky to have someone like Sherrod in the world). Many thanks to you both for keeping it REAL! Signed, a supporter of your both, from Nevada!

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Apr 15Edited

Speaking as a constituent, fan, career long supporter and voter for Sherrod, I don't know that I'm capable of offering much to your fashion and Sherrod's tress challenges. For me, when I consider candidates, it's all about the substance, not appearance. Granted those are considerations. Sherrod, should always be 'authentic Sherrod.' I would say neat in all things, but not pretentious. Always adored your writing *CSB; eternally grateful to still enjoy the same and the takeaways.

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I want to “like” this, but I am conflicted. Shame on Ms McCaskill for remarking on his appearance on a national program. And presuming a dutiful wife was involved. I love his look, his voice, his words & his political work. You are a lovely couple!

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Maureen, I appreciate your spirited defense, and your kind words about Sherrod. Claire is a friend, and knew I’d find the humor in her comments. She was also right.

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I love the curls, and I'll take rumpled over Armani (who make gorgeous suits) every day of the week.

Sherrod is a man of the people; it's his brand. I decry any movement toward cookie-cutter humans. We do not all want to look alike.

I'm sorry that people mistake you for Sherrod's incredible mother and enjoy thinking that they deserve to comment on others' appearance. I am also sorry that you are not supposed to suggest that they get over themselves.

My eyes hurt from rolling back in my head.

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I think Sherrod is fine exactly as he is!!

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Great post. Love Sherrod Brown's look. He reminds me of a cross between Burgess Meredith and Spencer Tracy. Very comforting presence. I would have loved if he had run for president.

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I miss the curls! It's part of what makes Sherrod, Sherrod, and it makes him more like me and my giant wad of hair. I'll vote for him no matter what his clothes and hair look like, because it doesn't change his heart or his voice, and that is what I really vote for. Thank you for sharing your voice with us, Connie, it never fails to bring a smile to my face and a bright spot when it's cloudy.

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I need to be running errands instead of writing this, but I feel strongly about this. Your husband is a gift in my eyes. He reps every American. He is vital to our democracy & our future. I live in FL but I follow whatever your husband is up too. Why? Because he gets things done. He’s not a carnival barker screaming exaggerated accomplishments on every cable station. He works on things behind the scenes until he has accomplished all that he can & we hear from him when he needs the voters to help.

This past week my beloved niece & her 6yo son was down visiting from Ohio. She’s a college educated (OSU, Yale) healthcare worker at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. She votes but it takes a lot of prep on my part because she’s so busy. I don’t tell her who to vote for, but I do give backgrounds on candidates. But, with your husband, I told her that I have never asked you to vote for a specific candidate but I need to tell you how badly your incumbent Senator needs to be re-elected. I share that he’s devoted to manufacturing, voting rights & healthcare, all of which are issues she has complained about in Ohio. And I told her he reminds you of your favorite college professor that always needs a haircut, which I find to be a plus. I’d rather he work with others to get rid of junk fees instead of getting a haircut. His appearance indicates to me that he’s focused, hard working, honest, loyal & overworked which I find very admirable fora Senator. I told her I wish he was a Sen from FL because I would vote for him for every race he was running in. I gave her the skinny & she said I know what I need to do. Then I said, “now, let’s talk about reproductive healthcare in OH.” She & I basically have the same opinions about things but I like to give her info so when she’s out with friends, etc., she can hopefully influence them. I give her bullet points to share. Your husband is valuable to every middle class American. We must do all we can to keep him in the Senate.

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I LOVE his look! Although the sweaters are a great idea. You may want to interview Bernie Sander's wife, Jane... I think you both could commiserate about husbands with their own style!

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"Not. My. Fault." You're killing me! lol Sherrod has always looked amazing to me. When great things are getting accomplished in the Senate, that's hawt - as Paris Hilton would say. And we have the hawtest Senator in Congress. Do you hate it just a little bit when all the curls get cut away though? Personally, I like his hair longer and less tamed. He has amazing hair! And the sweaters look great, too. Good idea. I can't believe someone sent you a link. lmao Well, every little bit helps I guess! Nice of them to pitch in. :D

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Love it!

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I've told my husband that he owes it to me to take my advice because people will blame me if he doesn't look good. He's adorable and handsome without me, but he would still be wearing his high school tee shirts without me. Sorry he needs that from you, but I hope he wins!

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Sadly, I'm not in Ohio to vote for Senator Sherrod. But I love his curls! White Americans admire straight hair, and the pressure on the curly-haired to straighten is immense. At the same time, people say, "I wish I had curls like yours." But they don't mean it. Keep up the good work, both of you!

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