I am reminded of Jane Goodall’s words. “It doesn’t take much to be considered a difficult woman. That’s why there are so many of us“. ❤️

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I like making comments but have stopped because people can be too mean. I share, not argue. Many times I want to share but don't. At my age I know that is futile. I love your slant on life. Keep writing and commenting and I'll keep reading Love you and Sherrod.

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Connie - Book for you: "Mother Nature: A History of Mothers, Infants, and Natural Selection," by Sarah Blaffer Hrdy. Short story - mothers are by nature calculating and there is a structural conflict between needs of mother and needs of infant (across all species). The fetus has a right to be born into a family that is ready and able to care for them, which, by extension, means profile is prochoice.

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so about this issue 1: I Iive in MD, and but was hearing your issue 1 thing explained on NPR last evening by an Ohioan, something like, last vote around this we were supposed to vote NO, but this time it is YES, and how this is confusing some voters, and I am thinking of that old, old notion about women and permissions .... no means yes ... as Laurie Anderson would sing, "progress being blown backwards into the future".... I'll be thinking of ya'll.

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I can’t tell you how much I look forward to reading anything that you write. Your words and your stories are better than a warm fire and comfy slippers.

If you ever want to hear a great story about Caitlin when she was in primary school, just let me know. She got the ‘special’ genes from her mother.

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Every chapter, every column- you ground me. I’m grateful Ohio has you and Sherrod (I’m a Buckeye in CA). I never make my bed and feel a little bad about that- but one of the lessons we have hopefully learned is to extend grace to each other and ourselves. Love the tray (truly), love the sister comments, LOVE the “sword lilies”! And I’m always in your corner!

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I never made homemade baby food but I did feed the kids organic healthy food. And now my college aged children live on Mexican bakery sweets and fast food. I could scream.

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That is exactly how it is and it’s immensely satisfying to read it, explained with humor.

If had the $ to become a paid subscriber I would do so; when my fortunes change I’ll revisit that option. In the meantime, a toast (and coffee) t you. Thanks

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Connie, I just love how you write. You write like a warm hug. You and Sherrod remind me of my parents who have been married over 50 years. My dad brings my mom coffee every morning and then he makes sure not to talk to her until she's had at least half of the first cup. ;)

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023

Love this! Lucky you, Connie.❤️

(Now I must arise to make my own breakfast, as I don't think the cat has mastered the kitchen!)

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I - one among many others - applaud your vote on protecting women's rights. If we, as a nation, protected our born children as much as we do our unborn children, we would be a better nation than we currently are.

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We do outnumber them, Connie. Turn up the music.

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That really is a beautiful tray though. And I'm not just saying that in case your sister is reading these comments. LOL.

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It's a good thing you don't generally post more than once a week, or I'd never get to other reading. Since the first thing I do, upon entering a hotel room, is uncling the sheets from the bed, I particularly liked the description of your cling wrapped sheets.

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We will always outnumber them! And now I need to go VOTE FOR ISSUE 1 in Ohio!!

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