I like to call myself a conscientious and well informed consumer. You can thank me later when I don’t take the snowblower out of the box. This purchase just guaranteed you no more snow. By the way, if you remember, it took me 3 months to buy my house!

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Since we’re walking down memory lane, you might recall that I knew that was your future home the first time I saw it. So many adventures!

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Way to go, Sue! You may have guaranteed Cleveland snowless winters for the indefinite future!

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Ha ha ha'aaa !

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Good way to be

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Sue I totally understand. I too am a “conscientious and well informed consumer”.

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So many gems tucked in this piece! As I’m chuckling out loud, my husband hollers from another room and asks if it’s anything I can share…? All I managed was ‘just women continuing to run the world’; he said “I know that”!

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I selected that when I shared to FB.

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I absolutely love the stream of consciousness style in this piece. It feels like I'm in the same room and in conversation with Connie Schultz. If there is no sunshine today, if there is a return of the unrelenting gloom of winter, at least we have her kind of cozy warmth, we're sisters from many mothers.

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This is great. The description of a Midwestern mom made me laugh. I also have a calendar on the side of my refrigerator, but as a single woman I can treat myself to one that features shirtless Australian firefighters with kittens, puppies and other baby animals. Enjoy!

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And , having been one myself, the Midwestern mom description was spot on!

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As an Ashtabula Harbor (73) gal, I laughed all the way through this one. I, too, don't change calendar pages until the day. As Mom said, "Don't wish your life away". And as someone who had to wear snow boots to the May, '72 HHS Junior Prom, I would never laugh at a prediction of more snow after February, or March, or maybe April...

Looks as if my alma mater rather than yours was the backdrop for the baptismal picture. So the church would have been Second Congregational, or the small Methodist church across the street from the school (sadly, no longer there). Beautiful family, beautiful memories, I'm sure.

Thank you for your observations, your humour and your work (and your husband's) in making the world a better place. All are appreciated.

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I recall once in June - "June" when it flurried; it didn't stick but I'm just sayin'.

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Connie - thanks- deeply miss life at water’s edge in Conneaut - sweet visit via your words.

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I'm cackling again and nodding my head as I think of tuna casseroles , trivets, lack of vitamin C days, snow, best friends, Mom, and always the laughter. You struck up a smile and a memory again for me with your marvelous, down-to-earth words. I'm thinking I'll be writing in "Connie for President" in March. You absolutely make my day with your words.

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What caught me in this story was the full-time schoolteacher with a part-time job. There’s a story there! I taught in Ohio and earned a decent wage. Has that changed since I’ve been gone? And no, this former Clevelander did not laugh about snow for Easter.

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This caught my eye too. Yes, do wonder more about that.

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Neither did this metro-Detroiter! I can remember many snowy Easters!

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Speaking only for myself, YES PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write an essay on the rinse-vs-don't-rinse dishwasher thing! My husband needs to see it!

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Northeast Ohioans understand why we tend to keep the ice melter beside the front door all year long, without a shred of irony.

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I, for one, did not laugh at blizzard around Easter. I'm worried that we're going miss the eclipse because ... number 1, it's opening day for the Guardians, and, number 2, it's NE Ohio. If you're from here I need not say anything more.

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I have campground reservations in Little Rock Arkansas to view the eclipse. I have family in Cleveland still, but I remember all the cloudy days growing up there (currently live in SC). I'll make it back home this summer, but I don't want to miss the eclipse, so no Cleveland this spring.

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wait wait wait - is that seriously the Guardians home opener?? YIKES.

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I’m sitting here in sunny South Florida thinking, “Dare I move back?”

I get morose if we have two cloudy days in a row!

My calendar never changes before the first of each month. For many years my younger daughter made me a calendar with pictures of the grandkids. It was always a delight when I changed the month to see new photos of my precious grands.

I just got a new refrigerator, which was quite a task because it has to fit into a specific space. I decided to replace the stove and microwave at the same time, as I know appliances whisper to each other. Those two came with the house when we bought it in 2002.

The fridge was 15.

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Just remember if you buy all your appliances about the same time they will likely all die at the same time too! Lol. I prefer mine to die one at a time. Less burden on my budget that way. Lol

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They were living on borrowed time.

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I always look forward to your writings. They make me feel like I belong to a huge group of women, most of which I don't know or will never know. But the strength and support unites us as one. Such a wonderful feeling! I feel sorry that my mother's generation ever knew that support. Thank you, Connie.

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That was my Mom with the casserole waiting for help. Thanks for that! Rinsing? We used to, until we moved into a Senior Cooperative and read the instructions for the dishwasher. (Well, I read it, my spouse follows the male gender rule of never reading instructions.) They indicated no rinsing as the food on the dish acts as a scrubbing agent. We quit rinsing and, in four years, have only had one dirty bowl which I had placed closed to the side turned toward the wall of the dishwasher. Can’t count on water caroming off the wall back into the bowl, it seems.

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Refunding money for an item bought before it went on sale? WOW!!!

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“I couldn’t be more stereotypically Midwestern if I were walking toward the table carrying a casserole of tuna noodle and yelling at the kids to put the trivet on the table before my arms break.” I savored this glimpse of your life in Cleveland, with its nod to your roots. P.S. Rinse! Or let the dog do the honors.

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Rinse-Don't Rinse please. I am around your age, and still confused. I am sure you will be definitive...

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The latest advice seems to be scrape but don't rinse. If I'm not running the dishwasher by that night, I do rinse anything with dairy or fish, because they will stink otherwise.

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