Such an inspiring story about the many efforts to improve living conditions. Today, as you’ve intimated, we have a vital role as canaries, too. Very grateful.

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Would it be too much trouble to put the Democratic Party name, logo, or other indicium in the title to help guide the reader in following the link, or not?

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What a lovely life, what a lovely wife you are, to such a lovely man you were so fortunate to have met. I do hope there are more like him walking the hallways. Can't wait to see your coverage and shared interest with Heather. Be sure to get a photograph from her for your wall. She shares them with her readers occasionally, and you can walk right into the photo and fine solitude for a few moments' peace. Thank you and Sharrod for all you do and have done. You make me proud to be a Democrat.

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Thanks for reminding us about the story of Sherrod’s Canary in the Coal Mine pin, why he wears it, and what and who he stands for! It also reminded me of Madeleine Albright’s memoir, “Read my Pins” and when and why she wore them. It brought to mind my oldest daughter who lives in South Carolina. Any time there is an incumbent politician who runs unopposed she will throw her hat into the ring to give voters “a choice”. As she goes out campaigning, she wears the reproduction of the woman suffrage bluebird pin that I gave her one year for her birthday (Votes for Women). These little accessories can be such strong reminders and speak volumes! May you be granted strength and stamina as you forge forward on the campaign trail!

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I would love to purchase a print of this!

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I got an invitation to your Delaware event next Monday, but the email has disappeared before I could register! How can I register for this? gbwhitcomb@gmail.com

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I proudly wear my canary pin on special occasions. In between, it is in my jewelry box. I love this column, and you, too, and am so jealous that you got to spend time with HCR, who is a Goddess.

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God speed Connie. And to that guy of yours

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Love the canary story - thanks for posting it. I am from Wyoming - a place where coal workers as well as many others have benefitted from the protections of unions but still overwhelmingly support Trump and threw Liz out when she dared speak truth. I have since decided to support good people in other states where my support might make a difference. Is there any way to purchase a canary pin and have proceeds go to Sherrod’s campaign?

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Why do I have tears in my eyes after reading this post? Because Sherrod represents everything I want in a Senator. Unfortunately I live in NJ and can’t vote for him, but I can donate again. Thank you, Connie.

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Like many others who commented, I would love a canary pin! I'm in a union, in a job I took later in my career. I can say that being in a union MATTERS! Having a union saved my job many years ago when a boss told me I'd lose it to visit my mom who was dying in Hawaii (I hadn't finished my one-year probation period to be able to use vacation, which I had enough of to make the trip there -- which at the time was at least a 15 hour flight from Ohio). My union steward told me to go and report if my job was threatened (my boss backed down). My current union is strong and so important. I'd love to show my support with a pin!

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I enjoy reading about your life so much. I'm going to see if i can order your book you mentioned. i'm hoping you give insight to how you two met and fell in love! That Sherrod is sure a cutie pie...especially love his curly head of hair : ). My mother always said the "eye likes a treat too"!

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This post came on the heels of Heather Cox Richardson's daily post and the thousands of faithful followers in the comments. Hooray for HCR in Sherrod's campaign. And grateful thoughts to Connie whom I've followed since Plain Dealer days. These magnificent and generous women are mentors and role models to all of us and we know they are working on our behalf, We are enriched indeed.

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Thank you and your lovely husband for everything you both do. I have been watching from afar while Ohio's junior senator makes atrocious claims about hard working Ohio people. It seems unreal that these are the issues for this election. It is very painful to see and understand.

You and Sherrod are beacons of light in the darkness that has fallen over our land. Stay strong!

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💙 Union Strong! Chapter 18 (+ other pages) of Project 2025 have language to weaken Unions. Recall how tfg and elon giggled about firing striking workers? That was confirmation along with his weekends rants about withholding money for firefighters in CA and mass deportation of legal immigrants that he ties to Project 2025 (despite denial) and his website had a link to it for over a year. Vote 💙

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Never disappointed! Beautiful!

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