When I first saw Morenos comment, I gasped. Does he not know who we are? Did he not see what we did in August and November 2023? Say no more my friends, we know what to do, keep talking Bernie - we must all see your vile attitudes. But waste little time, we’ve always been with Sherrod Brown and we will be with him. Ba bye Bernie!

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See, what I love about his opponent’s statement about women over 50 — abortion and reproductive rights are not an issue for them — it’s perfection. Because this reasoning should be applied like this: if you are a human with A PENIS this is not an issue for you! Now close the door on your way out!

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Thank you for the update! Hope is the word for October!

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Thank you, Connie, for this inspiring story. It is so hopeful to know that you and Sherrod are still so well received throughout Ohio, and we are grateful for all your service to us 🫶🏽

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Connie: Wonderful commentary today! I felt like I was on the bus with you! In lieu of that I was at home doing hand-written postcards to Ohioans reminding them to VOTE. For information go to SherrodBrown.com!!!

Keep up the good work!

Maura’s friend, Sheila

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I worked with the Postcard group too. Mine will be mailed to Georgia voters next week. This was my 2nd time to be part of this wonderful project.

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Sent some extra cute "cat themed" postcards in support of your hubby to Ohioans this week. Don't worry, we've got this. 😉

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I'd vote for Sherrod if I lived in Ohio (I've lived in California since 1974). I hope that Sherrod wins his racel and won't have to run again for six years. Both of you are down-to-earth and that's a quality that resonates with lots of people.

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This wonderful column balances out all the BM ads I've been pounded with every time I'm watching TV. I don't understand why ads don't have to be fact checked.

I'm glad you've spent this week on the Hope bus. It's important that Ohio citizens are meeting Sherrod face-to-face, because when they do, they know he's the real deal. He answers questions honestly and straightforwardly. I am proud of the way you have conducted yourselves.

Now let's hope that enough people are watching and interacting with you that they are compelled to vote.

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“…like past 50”? Heck, I’m like past 80 and that’s a vital issue for women of any age, and—happily—for many men as well. I’m in Massachusetts where we have two fine senators, and—also happily—little danger of losing them. But I’d be honored to vote for Sherrod if I could. Best wishes for the final stretch! I delight in your essays and photos, especially those from your earlier life. Thank you and keep writing!

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Connie, it sounds like the bus tour is going well. Fingers crossed that it will continue to do so.🤞 I love that you were able to spend some quality time with those beautiful horses. Many years ago, I visited Hamilton, " in Beautiful Butler County", as the billboards emphasized everywhere you looked. We were there as part of a recruitment trip for my then husband's company, as they were relocating some departments to Hamilton. While the city was nice enough, there was no interest in helping spouses find employment. I hope there has been a change in attitude since that time forty years ago!

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Sure hope this bus trip does the trick and assures Sherrod's win. We ALL need him in the senate!

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I just love how Sherrod’s hair always looks “lived in”, as opposed to someone like JDVance, who’s pretty well oiled up. I haven’t lived in Ohio since I was about 13, but I certainly would vote for him if I could!

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How short-sighted and dumb of Sherrod’s opponent! Does he not realize women over 50 want the same freedoms they have had for their daughters, granddaughters and future progeny?

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Go get that jerk who doesn’t seem to understand women over 50! As a grandmother of 7 in my early 70s, reproductive rights is a big issue for me even though I’m not getting pregnant again in this lifetime. But I fought for our rights the first time around and I can’t believe my granddaughters won’t have the same rights I had unless we all pull together and fight back. Sherrod is one of the good guys who deserves all of our support, along with Kamala Harris and the other Democrats running for office.

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Yes, yes, yes! I've been trying to figure out why none of the talking heads realize that women 50 and older (I'm 68) have always had almost full rights. (It took us another couple of years after Roe v Wade to be able to apply for mortgages without a co-signer, and things like that.) Of course this affects us!

Those of us over 65 or so might have had to wait to get more rights, but get them we did. And we want back those rights they took away (and before they take any more).

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Ohio voter here. I love Sherrod Brown.

I just don’t understand how anyone with half a brain could vote for Moreno or TFG.

If the 20-30 year olds show up and (women over 50😊) Senator Brown will be re-elected and issue 1 will pass !

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