If Walter and Franklin's band is not named UNION LEADERS, I feel like you'll have missed a great opportunity.

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I second this name!

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Walter story days are the best story days!

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I'll say the same thing about Franklin next time it's a Franklin story day, of course.

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I love human names for pets! It’s the best. One of our cats is named Bob- and it suits him. The other one is Weave. Together they Bob and Weave through the house. 😸

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Human names for pets means you consider them a member of the family! I love those names.

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All of my cats through the years have had human names—Charlie, Mr Darcy, Arthur, Claude, Ziggy (short for Sigmund), and now Nikolai.

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Just to say, I have always been inspired with Sherrod’s service to our country. 🙏🙏🙏

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Walter and Franklin are wonderful names for dogs... who gets worked up about that? and the pooches are adorable to boot!

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The photo you end with: of Walter and his human buddy makes a great campaign photo!

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I haven't read the Bill of Rights recently, but I think there might be coverage there for the right of naming our pets with names we choose.

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You are one of the great humanists. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with the universe.

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Oh Lord. The last two photos are priceless. Lovely story.

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I once called an orange cat William.

What else would you name an orange cat in an Irish American household?

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Liam! 😉🧡

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Liam of Orange doesn't have quite the same ring.

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Walter story on a Monday morning…the best!❤️

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This is the best way to start the week! Thank you for making me laugh on a Monday morning! And I have to say: we got our first dog (of 6, finally) when we bought our house in 1985. His name was Agamemnon. I wonder what that guy would have to say about THAT! Aggie was a pedigreed Airedale and a joy to have in our lives. All of our other dogs, until that last one, the Vizsla, Bella the Bold, were rescues. Long live Walter and Franklin!

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Love these photos! And I really appreciate this move: "Sure, honey. (This is why I seldom allow him to read over my shoulder.)"

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This is hilarious. Go, Walter, Go!

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I think Walter is your husband's spirit animal! ❤️

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When I was a teenager, our family adopted a street dog in Brownsville, Tx. For some reason we named her (yes, her) Seymour. We just liked the name, and my sister said it was for Seymour Glass (IYKYK). My Mom got to name the next dog we adopted; Marilyn, after you know who. When my wife and I got our first dog, a (mostly) dachshund, we named her Gary.

In other words, people who give human names to dogs rock. But mostly, people who love dogs are good people.

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